What is the "Being Authentically You" Workshop?

Being Authentically You is a liberating 2.5 hour Workshop designed to educate, transform and empower.

Through a combination of learning, practical exercises and practice you will rise in Confidence, Self-Worth and Self-Esteem until you won't just feel comfortable, you'll feel excited to face work, life, indeed the world as Authentically You. Too often we feel the need to hide ourselves, our views, our personality. Often we compromise ourselves to fit it, not stand out and even to just have a job. Your trainers know a thing or two about this and what it feels like to finally and proudly find Yourself. So, whether it's at work, home, with friends, in life let Sam and Martin guide you to the incredible power of standing in your own two shoes. If this sounds good ... this workshop is for You.

The workshop covers the following:

1. Our journey so far > Voice and Confidence outcomes > Calm and Focused outcomes 

2. What is Being Authentic? > To be it > To not be it > Receiving it > Courageous-Bold-You Model 

3. Your Authenticity > Your Situations 

4. Timeline Reframe > A super powerful tool for your toolbox > Your plan 

5. Checking In Time > Ensuring no stone unturned

6. Finale > Your Power Move > Motivational Talk  

This is an incredible opportunity to finally let go and be Yourself. You'll discover how far away from yourself you can get, the reasons why and then tackle how to bring yourself into greater alignment. It's bold and ambitious but if it means you can stand tall more often than not through the year, the decade, and your lifetime, it's worth the challenge. When you're Authentically You, you're Confident, Vocal, Calm, Focused, Motivated, Inspired and Proud. Deliberately considered the final workshop of the three offered by The Empowerment Coaches it brings all you've learnt in "Finding Your Voice and Confidence" and "Remaining Calm and Focused" into a grand finale. So, whilst not mandatory, you will get greatest benefit having attended the other two.

If this is something you want to explore for You, your Family, your Friends, your Team, your Deparment, your Company, Now is the time. 

Book your place at the next event or contact us to discuss making it happen in your company.